® - Starting® Up Your Device® - Starting® Up Your Device. Getting started with is quick and easy. Our streamlined setup process simplifies the configuration of your hardware …

To start using your new Trezor hardware wallet, go to This will take you to the official Trezor website where you can download the Trezor Suite app to set up your device.The Trezor Suite app allows you to easily send, receive, and manage your cryptocurrencies. It requires your Trezor device for explicit confirmation of all transactions, ensuring maximum security.To get started:

  1. Plug in your Trezor device and open the Trezor Suite app

  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to initialize your device

  3. Write down your recovery seed and store it safely offline

  4. Set a PIN code to protect your device

Once set up, you can start sending, receiving, and tracking your crypto portfolio directly from the Trezor Suite app. The app supports a wide range of coins and tokens, and offers additional features like trading, buying, and spending crypto.By using a Trezor hardware wallet, you take control of your private keys and improve the privacy and security of your Bitcoin and cryptocurrency transactions

Last updated